A New Approach
to Ministry
A New Curriculum to Reach the Next Generation
Kids and students are looking for identity, and many of them are finding their answers outside of the church. Hyfi digital curriculum flips the script on traditional ministry to give you effective tools and strategies to reach the next generations for Christ.
More About Hyfi
This media-rich resource teaches the truths of Scripture in a way that helps preschoolers, kids, and students understand their true identity in Christ. Hyfi utilizes high-quality media, games, and side-by-side learning to foster a fun atmosphere of learning and belonging. Hyfi is tons of fun while remaining faithful to the Bible. Hyfi roots the next generation’s identity in Christ through 12 biblical truths that teach them who they are in Him. Every session provides biblically sound content with a clear picture of Jesus and the gospel.
“Hyfi checks all the boxes! It’s rich in Scripture and life application yet relevant to students churched and unchurched. It’s flexible and designed to be led by both the tenured and the new small group leader. The activities and discussion questions get students talking and keep them engaged. And the scope and sequence is simple yet powerful.”
5 Star Rating
“My leaders really love Hyfi because even our busy kids are engaged!”
5 Star Rating
“We’ve only heard positive feedback from our leaders. They really liked the activities and the ease of implementing them. Everyone loved the Bible story videos!”
5 Star Rating
“Hyfi is fun, easy to use, and most importantly theologically sound! We love it, and there’s no going back for our church.”
5 Star Rating
“This resource uses incredible biblical content to teach kids about who God is and who they are in Christ! Everything is designed to help kids build relationships with God and with each other. Hyfi is laying the foundation for identities to be found in Christ alone!”
5 Star Rating
“If you are looking for a simple and fun way to connect kids to Jesus, to their leaders, and to one another—this curriculum is it!”
5 Star Rating